Our Services

Curious about your health's future? At Mediastro, our Health Forecasting Service blends astrology, medicine, and Ayurveda for insights into what's coming. Uncover potential challenges and opportunities ahead, guiding you towards a healthier path.

Holistic Treatments

health forecasting
health forecasting
holistic treatments
holistic treatments

Health Forecasting

Astrologers analyze your birth chart using medical astrology principles to detect health issues and imbalances They suggest treatments and lifestyle changes for healing and preventing future aliments.

We offer astrology based medical services to target your health issues using birth chart analysis by our professional astrologers for personalized recommendations and improved well-being.

Dosha Analysis

astrological diagnoses
astrological diagnoses
dosha analysis
dosha analysis

Astrological Diagnoses

Find your balance with our Dosha Analysis service. We use Ayurvedic wisdom to uncover your unique mind-body type and offer personalized tips for diet and lifestyle. Start your journey to better health and well-being today!

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