A rising issue of eye problems in the digital age.

👀 Eye problems in the digital age are on the rise. Learn about common symptoms and discover effective treatments to protect your vision from excessive screen usage !

7/4/20244 min read

Average screen time has increased by 60% in the last decade !

In today’s digital age, screens are an integral part of our lives. For Gen Z's, who have grown up with smartphones, tablets, and computers, the impact on eye health is significant. Prolonged screen time can lead to a range of eye problems, including digital eye strain, blurred vision, and an increased need for spectacles. Inadequate amounts of sleep also reduces concentration and leads to further eye problems and headaches.

Lets discover solutions to keep one of your very important senses healthy!

Eye Problems Faced in the Digital Age

Digital Eye Strain (Computer Vision Syndrome) :

- Symptoms: Eye fatigue, dryness, headaches, blurred vision, and neck/shoulder pain.

- Cause: Prolonged screen use without adequate breaks.

Myopia (Nearsightedness) :

- Symptoms: Difficulty seeing distant objects clearly.

- Cause: Increased screen time and reduced outdoor activities, contributing to the elongation of the eyeball.

Dry Eye Syndrome :

- Symptoms: Irritation, redness, and a gritty feeling in the eyes.

- Cause: Reduced blinking rate while staring at screens, leading to insufficient lubrication.

Blue Light Exposure :

- Symptoms: Disruption of sleep patterns, eye strain, and potential long-term retinal damage.

- Cause: High-energy visible blue light emitted from screens.

Ayurvedic Approaches to Eye Care :

Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine, offers holistic approaches to maintaining eye health. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies and practices that can help protect vision : ; but if you require a personalized treatment plan and cure to your problems you can consult our doctors !

Triphala Eye Wash :

- Recipe: Soak a teaspoon of Triphala powder in water overnight. Strain the liquid in the morning and use it to wash the eyes.

- Benefits: Reduces eye strain, soothes inflammation, and improves overall eye health.

Ghee (Clarified Butter) Application :

- Application: Apply a small amount of pure ghee around the eyes.

- Benefits: Reduces dryness, soothes tired eyes, and enhances vision.

Herbal Eye Drops :

- Ingredients: Ayurvedic eye drops made from rose water, honey, and specific herbs.

- Benefits: Provides instant relief from eye strain and dryness.

Palming Technique :

- Method: Rub your palms together to generate heat and place them gently over closed eyes.

- Benefits: Relaxes eye muscles, reduces strain, and promotes blood circulation.

Eye Exercises :

- Exercises:
Rotating the eyes, focusing on distant objects, and blinking rapidly.

- Benefits: Strengthens eye muscles and reduces strain.

Medical Astrology and Eye Health :

Medical astrology, a branch of astrology, believes that celestial bodies influence our physical well-being, including eye health. By understanding one’s astrological chart, specific remedies and lifestyle changes can be suggested to maintain healthy vision.

Astrological Indicators of Eye Health :

- Planets: The Sun and Moon are primary indicators of eye health. Their placement in one’s chart can influence vision.

- Houses: The second and twelfth houses in astrology are associated with the eyes. Malefic planets in these houses can indicate potential eye issues.

Astrological Remedies for Eye Health :

- Wearing Gemstones: Based on one’s astrological chart, wearing specific gemstones like Ruby (for the Sun) or Pearl (for the Moon) can enhance eye health.

- Mantras and Chants: Reciting specific mantras or prayers can have a positive impact on overall well-being, including eye health.

- Fasting and Diet: Aligning one’s diet with astrological recommendations can help maintain balance and prevent eye problems.

To know more about these remedies you can visit our services page : Our Services

Practical and common Tips and for Reducing Digital Eye Strain :

In addition to Ayurvedic and astrological remedies, here are some practical tips to reduce digital eye strain:

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule :

- Method: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

- Benefits: Reduces eye fatigue, strain and promotes relaxation.

Adjust Screen Settings :

- Settings: Ensure proper brightness, contrast, and text size comfortable to you to reduce strain.

- Benefits: Enhances comfort and reduces the risk of eye strain and headaches.

Use Blue Light Filters :

- Tools: Apply screen filters, adjust settings of your device or use glasses with blue light protection.

- Benefits: Reduces exposure to harmful blue light and improves sleep quality.

Maintain Proper Posture :

- Setup: Ensure an ergonomic setup with the screen at eye level and maintain a comfortable viewing distance.

- Benefits: Reduces neck and shoulder strain, promoting overall comfort.

Stay Hydrated and Blink Often :

- Hydration: Drink plenty of water and consciously blink while using screens.

- Benefits: Keeps eyes lubricated and moisturized and reduces dryness.

To conclude, the digital world presents unique challenges for eye health but staying aware and maintaining balances in your schedules will help you to keep your eyes problems free ! To know more or have personalized treatment plans from our experienced doctors consult us now and :

- Follow us on social media for the latest updates and health care tips !

increasing screen times
increasing screen times
triphala eye wash
triphala eye wash
wearing ruby and pearl for eye care
wearing ruby and pearl for eye care
blue light filter
blue light filter